This is where I [learn in public](, with a little bit of [digital gardening]( thrown in. What this place is **not**: - Curated - Authoritative - Comprehensive What this place **is**: - Messy - Dynamic - Always a work in progress My process: - When I find something I want to learn, I create a new page - As I learn about it, I make notes - At various points in my learning, I restructure the notes I have and add links, images, tags, etc. - Periodically, I publish the state of this Obsidian vault This results in a vault with: - Many blank pages: I want to learn about something, but haven't gotten round to it yet - Alternatively: I know about something and want to consolidate my knowledge into a cheat sheet, but haven't gotten round to it yet - Unstructured notes: I'm making notes as I learn, and my mental model will constantly shift - Unlinked notes: Pages that should be linked, whether internally or externally, may not be for a while, because links take time to form and involve administrative overhead - Uncontextualised links: Sometimes I find something interesting on the Internet and want a place to keep it for future reference - They may be uncontextualised because I haven't formed thoughts or opinions about them yet - Mostly text: Things that may be better expressed as images or audio or video may not be, simply because I place a premium on being able to take and publish my notes quickly, and text is faster ## Colophon This site is built using [Obsidian Publish]( The theme is a lightly modified [Red Graphite Obsidian]( ## About me You can find my main home on the internet at [](